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♡One World,One TIK♡ 今日: 0|主题: 91|排名: 70 


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[Photos] 2015年6月10日活动中泰粉和中粉送的礼物拼图 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...23 lily_zl 2015-6-11 22:07 20254 hfq 2015-6-20 12:20
[News] Thai-English report about superdaddy tik in Oct. 2015 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img lily_zl 2015-11-14 09:37 550 人间四月天0426 2015-11-23 15:09
[News] three English translated reports of June, 2015 - [阅读权限 5] ...2 lily_zl 2015-8-5 16:33 1056 人间四月天0426 2015-8-8 16:03
[News] Popular Thai soap ‘Wanida’ now showing on Myanmar TV - [阅读权限 5] ylp 2015-1-21 21:54 5105 YYDNR 2015-1-22 12:53
[News] 2014年泰国乐购组织买牛奶赢荷兰旅游活动 - [阅读权限 5]attach_img  ...2 lily_zl 2014-10-4 11:33 17153 潇潇最爱杰西 2014-10-6 21:50
预览 [News] fans worldwide expressed their love to P'Tik  ...234 lily_zl 2011-11-24 16:27 32150622 桔子 2013-10-20 17:08
预览 [News] 谢谢 ellene 这个朋友  ...2 suinilinzhen 2011-1-27 08:49 1574805 lingqing 2012-7-11 08:32
预览 【08.11.17】 One thing to tell Tik starlakemoon 2008-11-17 15:39 730294 瞿奇 2009-2-15 22:11
预览 【09.04.03】 My dear tik  ...2 Vivienleigh 2009-4-3 14:30 1849991 qixingzhipai 2011-3-27 11:17
预览 [Attention] 【08.06.23】Magazine Interview 2008.04.15 wxy_smile 2008-6-23 03:29 433252 dela 2008-6-29 17:57
预览 [Attention] 【08.06.30】【Serial】Naked Diamond (3A) attachment helendai 2008-6-30 15:53 735200 陌上草青青 2008-7-4 11:32
预览 [Attention] 【08.07.03】 Let's introduce our tik to the foreign friends wj1129 2008-7-3 16:32 327455 Shmily 2008-7-4 14:20
预览 [Attention] 【08.12.24】 CHRISTMAS WISHES, FROM ME TO YOU  ...2 aoiwang 2008-12-24 22:18 1672719 xuting 2010-8-17 13:36
预览 [Attention] 【08.09.10】A Verse for Tik  ...2 vichida 2008-9-10 03:57 1981791 lindawang22 2009-12-4 18:23
[Attention] 【08.11.27】 2009 NEW LAKORNS - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23 dickyboy021490 2008-11-27 11:48 294327 永远祝福TA 2009-10-10 23:45
预览 [Attention] 【08.09.26】TIK: creepin'up on you * music&photos* attachment agree  ...23 豆豆007 2008-9-26 07:13 2396361 feifeimao45 2009-9-7 04:16
预览 [Attention] 【08.11.14】 TIK - CCTV FORUM  ...2 dickyboy021490 2008-11-14 16:10 1972952 FionaLi 2009-7-3 11:30
预览 [Attention] 【08.06.23】 Tik's Profile 2 wxy_smile 2008-6-23 04:02 451146 七月 2008-11-9 13:08
预览 [Attention] 【08.09.10】The MV of <The Princess>--"Sun but Moon&am Rose.Ash 2008-9-10 20:06 232252 tiklv 2008-11-9 12:21
预览 [Attention] 【08.09.08】I made a piece of mobile phone ring of <The Princess&g  ...2 lemon 2008-9-8 00:56 1156242 tiklv 2008-11-9 11:12
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